This Blog contains exercises and tools to build the Cerebellum, as a solution to Beat ADD ADHD and Dyslexia as well as anxiety and mild depression, and also to increase the processing power of your brain!! Become Empowered today!!

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Saturday, November 11, 2006


The following Breathing techniques are good for clearing the mind of chatter, raising energy and aligning the brain hemispheres.

These techniques shouldnt be done before or during driving a car or operating heavy machinery, as they can cause light headedness.

These exercises are perfect for a 5 minute warmup before wobble board techniques.
These are yoga exercises.

Belly Breathing-
Start with the in breath(as our life started with an in breath),
Breath in through the nostrils, by extending out the belly button. Using the belly to do all the work.
Then breath out through the nostrils by pushing the belly button to the spine.

Then again Breath air in through the nostrils extending out the belly button,

Then again Breath out through the nostrils pushing the belly button to the spine.

And then repeat this process for 20-40 breaths(or whatever feels right for you), at a pace a little faster than regular breathing, and in a fluid motion- meaning without pause in between the in/out breath.

This will leave you feeling clear minded and energised. This can be during any spare time you have throughout the day(as long as its not while driving). And is perfect training to optimise your breathing as it uses the full range of your lungs...

Alternate nostril breathing-
This can be done holding your nostrils closed or just using intention.
I will describe the method that manually closes the alternate nostril.

1) gently close the right nostril and then breath in thru the left nostril to a count of (1-2-3),

and pause for a count of (1-2-3),

Swap and gently close the left nostril and breath out through the right nostril to a count of (1-2-3),

and pause for a count of (1-2-3),

keeping the left nostril gently closed, breath back in thru the right nostril to a count of (1-2-3),

and pause for a count of (1-2-3),

swap nostrils and gently close the right nostril, and breath out thru the left nostril to a count of (1-2-3)

Pause for a count of (1-2-3). And this completes one cycle.

Do this for 10-20 cycles.
This process is perfect for aligning the left/right hemisperes of the brain. Known as Hemispheric Syncronisation.
And is perfect for clearing he mind!

Focus on the breath is so powerfull because it is an Unconcious action day to day, but during the exercise it absorbs all focus, even if only for a few minutes...

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