This Blog contains exercises and tools to build the Cerebellum, as a solution to Beat ADD ADHD and Dyslexia as well as anxiety and mild depression, and also to increase the processing power of your brain!! Become Empowered today!!

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Friday, November 17, 2006


This is where it gets exciting!!
If you have been doing morning and evening exercise, no doubt you have begun to notice increased focus and clarity... For me the biggest thing of notice is my lack of anxiety. It dont have useless worry anymore!!

These exercises are Stimulating various parts of the brain, particulary the Cerebellum. Stimulating an underdeveloped area of the brain , stimulates the creation of new neural pathways. The creation of these new pathways is controlled by Nerve growth factor.

Nerve Growth Factor is created every time we stimulate any part of the brain or the body. An initial period of three weeks of repeated stimulation is required to make the starting connection of a neural pathway.

Which brings me back to my opening line....At 3 weeks things are getting exciting!!

At this stage , advancing the exercises is important, but more important is finding the limits of your balance each time you do the exercises can you balance better in the morning or night??

As once a limit is determined , it can be pushed and improved apon... and it will give you constant feeback of your progress...

Week 3 Exercises -

1) 1-2 mins achieving a relaxed balance.

2) Once balanced , slightly bend your knees, and you will feel quite unbalanced, at first only bend your knees as far as you can without losing balance.

Add this into your daily routine, trying to bend further each time.
You may notice a left to right wobble as you bend closer to half way.

3) Recall the Extended blink from last week, This week try to double the amount of time you can blink while remaining balanced.

4) One footed balance. Place your foot into the middle of the wobble board, knee slightly bent and slowly, only as you are comfortable, shift your weight onto the foot on the wobble board and raise the other foot off the ground. Be sure to do this with both legs, up to a point of confidence.


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