This Blog contains exercises and tools to build the Cerebellum, as a solution to Beat ADD ADHD and Dyslexia as well as anxiety and mild depression, and also to increase the processing power of your brain!! Become Empowered today!!

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Monday, December 18, 2006

WEEK 6 - Inspired by BRUCE LEE

Or at least i believe so...

I built this device to improve hand eye coordination some years back.

Its like a non-violent punching bag , that's very well suited to the indoors...
However a little , budget construction is required, good fun none the less!!


1 Foot of light chain - The lightest chain available.

1-1.5 foot of Elastic - quiet thick elastic

1 Practice golf ball, or other light golf ball sized ball.

1 piece of blu tac or a thumb tac, depending on where is suitable to affix your brand new indoor non-violent punching bag.

Now simply tie the elastic to the end of the chain, then the golf ball to the end of the elastic! tadah!!

Now blue tac or thumb tack the top of the chain to either your ceiling, or in a door jam.

Trim the elastic so that the ball sits about chest height.


Start with light fist or palm taps, alternating from left to right. you will notice the chain/elastic combination provides a very erratic movement of the ball....

Try facing left or right foot forward, and then alternate.

This Isnt meant to be easy!! However with daily practice, you will notice improvement!!

And once you feel comfortable try hitting the golf ball while on the wobble board. At first it will seem like both are impossible!! However with effort and determination , it gets easier...

After days and weeks you may not feel like hitting while balancing is getting easier. However you will notice, that it greatly improves your standalone balance!!

This tequinque is a great lead into learning how to juggle!!

Have a good day!!


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