This Blog contains exercises and tools to build the Cerebellum, as a solution to Beat ADD ADHD and Dyslexia as well as anxiety and mild depression, and also to increase the processing power of your brain!! Become Empowered today!!

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Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Firstly , if you have made it to week 4 Congratulations...

By now , no doubt you will have found your own rhythm and routine of exercises.

So from now on all aditional weeks will consist of extra exercises to add to your existing routine.


These exercises can be done any where anytime, and are fantastic to do whilst on the wobble board!

1) Stand , on firm ground first, and in your minds eye , imagine a giant tree root extending from your feet extending deep down into the earth.

2) Imagine this root getting bigger and bigger , and "feel" the connection you are making with the earth.

3) After a few minutes you will notice your mind will become clear , and relaxed.

ONCE FAMILIAR , you can try this while on the wobble board, either at the start or finish of your exercise routine.

Note: You dont have to be standing while you do this. It can be done sitting at a desk, on a bus, or even while walking.... It is easier to start , while standing still.



Friday, November 17, 2006


This is where it gets exciting!!
If you have been doing morning and evening exercise, no doubt you have begun to notice increased focus and clarity... For me the biggest thing of notice is my lack of anxiety. It dont have useless worry anymore!!

These exercises are Stimulating various parts of the brain, particulary the Cerebellum. Stimulating an underdeveloped area of the brain , stimulates the creation of new neural pathways. The creation of these new pathways is controlled by Nerve growth factor.

Nerve Growth Factor is created every time we stimulate any part of the brain or the body. An initial period of three weeks of repeated stimulation is required to make the starting connection of a neural pathway.

Which brings me back to my opening line....At 3 weeks things are getting exciting!!

At this stage , advancing the exercises is important, but more important is finding the limits of your balance each time you do the exercises can you balance better in the morning or night??

As once a limit is determined , it can be pushed and improved apon... and it will give you constant feeback of your progress...

Week 3 Exercises -

1) 1-2 mins achieving a relaxed balance.

2) Once balanced , slightly bend your knees, and you will feel quite unbalanced, at first only bend your knees as far as you can without losing balance.

Add this into your daily routine, trying to bend further each time.
You may notice a left to right wobble as you bend closer to half way.

3) Recall the Extended blink from last week, This week try to double the amount of time you can blink while remaining balanced.

4) One footed balance. Place your foot into the middle of the wobble board, knee slightly bent and slowly, only as you are comfortable, shift your weight onto the foot on the wobble board and raise the other foot off the ground. Be sure to do this with both legs, up to a point of confidence.


Saturday, November 11, 2006


The following Breathing techniques are good for clearing the mind of chatter, raising energy and aligning the brain hemispheres.

These techniques shouldnt be done before or during driving a car or operating heavy machinery, as they can cause light headedness.

These exercises are perfect for a 5 minute warmup before wobble board techniques.
These are yoga exercises.

Belly Breathing-
Start with the in breath(as our life started with an in breath),
Breath in through the nostrils, by extending out the belly button. Using the belly to do all the work.
Then breath out through the nostrils by pushing the belly button to the spine.

Then again Breath air in through the nostrils extending out the belly button,

Then again Breath out through the nostrils pushing the belly button to the spine.

And then repeat this process for 20-40 breaths(or whatever feels right for you), at a pace a little faster than regular breathing, and in a fluid motion- meaning without pause in between the in/out breath.

This will leave you feeling clear minded and energised. This can be during any spare time you have throughout the day(as long as its not while driving). And is perfect training to optimise your breathing as it uses the full range of your lungs...

Alternate nostril breathing-
This can be done holding your nostrils closed or just using intention.
I will describe the method that manually closes the alternate nostril.

1) gently close the right nostril and then breath in thru the left nostril to a count of (1-2-3),

and pause for a count of (1-2-3),

Swap and gently close the left nostril and breath out through the right nostril to a count of (1-2-3),

and pause for a count of (1-2-3),

keeping the left nostril gently closed, breath back in thru the right nostril to a count of (1-2-3),

and pause for a count of (1-2-3),

swap nostrils and gently close the right nostril, and breath out thru the left nostril to a count of (1-2-3)

Pause for a count of (1-2-3). And this completes one cycle.

Do this for 10-20 cycles.
This process is perfect for aligning the left/right hemisperes of the brain. Known as Hemispheric Syncronisation.
And is perfect for clearing he mind!

Focus on the breath is so powerfull because it is an Unconcious action day to day, but during the exercise it absorbs all focus, even if only for a few minutes...

Email for any queries -


Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Week 2 - exercises

week 1 revisited-
1- 2 Minutes - Balancing on the Wobble Board - Looking down at the wobble Board.

1-2 Minutes - Balancing on the wobble Board - Looking forward at a single point on the wall infront of you.

1-2 Minutes - Balancing on the wobble Board - Looking forward at the whole wall in one single View. This is a great mind clearing technique!

Week 2-
If you are achieving balance its time to advance!!

1)After achieving balance try throwing a ball from hand to hand. And if possible keep your eyes on the ball as it flies thru the air.

2) Try while in a balanced state, and looking forward to have an extended blink. You will find that balance is harder with closed eyes. With a little practice, you will be able to maintain balance with you eyes closed.

The Extended blink is a good exercise to try at the end of each session.

3) A quick , before work exercise, is to Brush your teeth while balancing!
and even try brushing your teeth , with your oposite hand while balancing!!


Saturday, November 04, 2006

WEEK 1 - Exercises

Ok so to condense the exercises for week 1 - into 1 list. Here we go;

For best effect do this list , twice or more per day, as you are comfortable.
5-20 mins per session.

1- 2 Minutes - Balancing on the Wobble Board - Looking down at the wobble Board.

1-2 Minutes - Balancing on the wobble Board - Looking forward at a single point on the wall infront of you.

1-2 Minutes - Balancing on the wobble Board - Looking forward at the whole wall in one single View.

Only progress as fast as you are comfortable.

Find the point where you can balance , hold the position, and once you are noticing a greater feeling of comfort , move on to the next exercise.

Do these exercises every day for one week and you will be more than amased at the results!!

Please email me with questions , tips and pointers!!

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After one week of 2 daily 10 minute exercises , IM AWAKE!! i still have a very long way to go , However i cant recomend enough that you get your self a wobble board.

I can feel my balance on one or 2 feet is greatly improved!

Balance and coordination are controlled by the area of the brain called the cerebellum. Its has been shown that people with so called"learning difficulties" have an underdeveloped Cerebellum. Pushing the limits of ones balance builds the cerebellum.

I am now asking for the help of the Giant Internet Community.

I am looking for people who want to Have a greater ammount of concentration and focus, people who have ADD and dont want to take Drugs, people with dyslexia or other so called "learning difficulties"...

If your interested in Starting this programme, get your self a wobble board (pictured above),
YOU TOO CAN LIVE LIFE AWAKE!! And i want to hear all about it!!

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Wednesday, November 01, 2006

A simple method for quitening the mind

While on the wobble board im finding the easiest way to remain balnced and relaxed is to focus on a particular point on the wall and let my balance be controlled subconciously.

This is all good and well, however the mind easily wanders.

To still the mind , and become a witness to thoughts rather than be part of the thoughts , try going from a single point of focus , to looking at the entire wall in one view.

Keeping your head still , try to take your vision focus back as far as comfortable. And have the widest viewing angle possible. This will greatly quieten the mind.

For an additional exercise, while viewing as much as possible at once try to invole another sense.
eg try to note a smell, or a feel , or a taste.

Like can you feel your clothing, what is the smell of the environment your in, can you still taste the toothpaste from brushing your teeth?? or can you hear any birds chirping outside??

You will notice as time goes on , even 5 mins per day, that it gets easier to sense multiple senses at once. This is a great practical meditation!!



With clarity comes insight

And with insight comes revelation.

After 5 days of doing wobble board , im finding I am remaining clear and un-distracted for longer and longer periods thru out the day.

The small amount of clarity i have gained is enough to keep me present. Present enough to know if im losing presence! i feel clearest in the few hours before bed, and groggiest for the first few hours of the day.

My first major revelation is sleep. I need to get more than 8 hours sleep per night otherwise, it takes me until lunchtime to feel the clarity that i begining to accept as normal...

My second major noticing, is that coffee now makes me feel inspired rather than edgy like it would have done just a week ago!!

My Third major noticing is how while im on the wobble board , if im focusing on the TV, i balance quite well, but if i focus on actuall balancing, i become wobbly and unstable. Which leads me to the conclusion , that after only 4 days, my subconcious is controlling the balance.

which means its time to learn to juggle while balancing!!

Have a great day!!

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