This Blog contains exercises and tools to build the Cerebellum, as a solution to Beat ADD ADHD and Dyslexia as well as anxiety and mild depression, and also to increase the processing power of your brain!! Become Empowered today!!

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Tuesday, October 31, 2006

My first taste of results!!

whoa!! day 3!! today presence is my friend!!

Yesterday i used the wobble board for maybe 1 hour in total, at first i practiced in the backyard, then while watching the news, then for little breaks in between study... i still didnt have the greatest control.

But this morning!! I awoke and pounced out of bed!! and when i jumped on the wobble board, i had an instant stability!!

All day i had direction, i had forethought, i had no worry , i had a great day!!

The first step to this whole process is realising that beating this is totally achievable! the only thing that stands in the way between you focus and clarity is EFFORT!!
Admitidly as an ADD , effort sounds daunting, but effort when you want something isnt effort at all...
After just a small taste of todays clarity, for me there is no going back!!

Tonight on the wobble board i began throwing a ball from hand to hand.It was quite difficult, but as i progressed it became easier.
Even easier when i did a little hand to hand practice prior to stepping on to the wobble board.
I tryed to watch the ball flying thru the air as i balanced however that is a skill which will take a few more days of trying!!

The key to getting results is achieving balance and stability within each session. Once it is achieved , push the limits!!


Sunday, October 29, 2006

Aligning the Hemispheres with oposite handwriting

Ive been teaching my self to be able to be able to write ambidextrous. I'm Right handed naturally.

So i have started writing an affirmation , with my left hand.

An affirmation is a powerfull way of imprinting a beliefe into the subconcioous mind.
And they are written in first person , as though the action they speak of is already present.

Eg "I luke , can write left handed" - I write this up to 10 times at a time. Twice per day.
Slowly it is becomming easier, and neater.

This is the first step to aligning the hemispheres.

As the left hand is controlled by the right side(hemisphere) of the brain, and the Right hand is controlled by the left hemisphere of the brain.

Once i am fluent enough at left handed writing , i will begin writing with both hands simultaneously!!

At first drawing circles , then progressing onto sentences.

Aligning the hemispheres of the brain , builds neural pathways, like in meditation. The longer the hemispheres are aligned the stronger the neural pathway. The clearer my mind becomes!

Try this and let me know how you go

Have a great day!!


Saturday, October 28, 2006

Causes for for my ADD

The average state of brain activity for most people is the beta range.

My average state of brain activity is in the theta range. Which gives me great creativity, always thinking ouside the square. But makes me drift off during conversations, avoid the difficult, and get caught in downward negative cycles.

And so when i took ritalin, my average brain state went up to a beta level , but a forced beta level. So i maintained focus , but it wasnt real. As the state only remained while the drugs were coursing thru my veins...

So i have embarched on a journey to find all the info i can on exercises and programmes to achieve natural focus and concentration.

There are many programes available to do this. However they cost from $500 - $5000 and more!!

This blog is going to be a way to combine our knowledge so we may Embrace all the benefits of ADD(creativity, new thinking, originalty) whilst getting rid of the drawbacks(procrastination,disorganisation, negative thinking, anxiety, depression).

Please email me with ideas , tips or complaints to


Wobble board - Dual conciousness

Today i purchased a wobble board from a fitness store. A round board that has a half ball underneath. Which requires a great deal of coordination to stand on whilst balanced.
The only available was $70 AU, but i have seen them on the internet for $40-70.
They could also be quiet easily made.

Using balance is a type Bio feedback.

I have no trouble with balance in normal day to day life. I can walk along the gutter , or balnce on one foot.

But Trying the wobble board was quiet a challenge. Over a period of 10 minutes i got the wobbles undercontrol. To a point i was a then able begin focusing on a point on the wall infront of me. And this brings me to the point of this first exercise.

While balancing , and focusing on a point, i was effectivly conciously doing 2 things at once.

After finishing this 10 minute mini workout, i was clear headed and feeling quite balanced.

Future postings will have additional wobble board exercises for you to try.
please email any suggestions to


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